[autolinedaily show=”DailyChina043018″]
运行: 5:25
– 大陆集团为农村地区创造连通性
– 来自耐世特的线控转向
– 梅塞德斯使用数码灯
– 李尔创建模块化座椅系统
– 李书福正在积累创造一个汽车帝国
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大家好,我是约翰•麦克罗伊,欢迎收看Autoline 中国,我们的节目将为您呈现汽车领域最重要最前沿的行业新技术。
我们已经看到了可以在地面上投射图像的头灯概念,但梅塞德斯实际上会将其推向市场。每个灯具有超过一百万个微反射镜,奔驰将使用这些图像来帮助与驾驶员沟通。这些灯能够显示天气状况,如下雪时的雪花,用箭头指示导航方向,甚至提前警告前方施工。这种称为数码灯的技术只能在部分梅赛德斯 – 迈巴赫车型上使用,所以其价格也可想而知,会非常昂贵。
看起来每个汽车制造商都在试验自主性,并且我们已经看到未来的汽车将需要适应多种不同的情况。这就是为什么供应商李尔创造了一个名为Drop&Go的可重新配置的模块化座位系统。只需按一下按钮,座椅就可以使用电动地板导轨系统移动到多个不同的位置。 由于它是一个模块化系统,座椅可以根据需要拆除或添加,这对于移动服务(如班车和公交车)来说非常适合。
1986年李书福开始在吉利制造冰箱。随后在2010年,他从福特手中购买了沃尔沃,然后便突飞猛进。现在他参与投资了沃尔沃卡车,以及制造伦敦出租车的公司,路特斯公司,马来西亚汽车制造商宝腾和特拉弗吉亚的一家开发乘用无人机的美国公司。现在他刚宣布他是梅赛德斯 – 奔驰母公司戴姆勒的最大股东。
Hello, I’m John McElroy, welcome to Autoline China, the show that covers some of the most important new technologies in the automotive industry.
Connected vehicles have the potential to drastically reduce traffic accidents and congestion as long as there is a good network for the cars to communicate. But in rural areas, network reception can be poor. No doubt you’ve experienced losing a phone call where service is weak. So to make sure vehicles stay connected in all situations, Continental developed what it calls the Predictive Connectivity Manager, which is able to “look” ahead to determine network availability and reception along the vehicle’s route. It collects data from vehicles travelling along the same route, which is then processed and analyzed by the Continental cloud.
We continue to show you the technology coming out of the supplier industry, and the latest development that caught our eye is the steer-by-wire system from Nexteer. There is no steering column with this system, only an electronic connection. Getting rid of the column provides packaging and safety benefits such as automated emergency steering. It also allows the steering wheel to easily retract up against the instrument panel for Level 4 autonomous driving. You can choose to have the steering wheel turn as it maneuvers in Level 4 driving or keep it motionless, what Nexteer calls Quiet Wheel. It also provides dynamic variable steering ratio, where the ratio changes depending on whether you’re driving out on the open road or in a parking lot. Nexteer says the biggest challenge was calibrating the steering feel, to provide the proper feedback depending on whether you’re on dry pavement, rainy roads or on snow. But the company says it’s pleased with the results. You can choose the feel you want or let the system do it automatically.
Still to come…Mercedes creates headlights that project images on the ground.
We’ve seen concepts for headlights that can project images on the ground, but Mercedes will actually be bringing it to market. Each lamp has over one million micro-reflectors and Mercedes will use the images to help communicate with the driver. The lights are able show weather conditions, like a snowflake when it’s snowing, give navigation directions with arrows or even warn of construction ahead. The technology, called DIGITAL LIGHT will only be available on select Mercedes-Maybach models, so you know the system is very expensive.
It seems like every automaker is experimenting with autonomy and we’ve seen how future cars will need to be able to adapt to a number of different situations. That’s why the supplier Lear has created a reconfigurable modular seating system, called Drop & Go. At the touch of a button, the seats can move into a number of different positions using an electric in-floor rail system. And since it’s a modular system, seats can be removed and added as needed, which would be perfect for mobility services, like shuttles and buses.
Coming up next…Geely’s Li Shufu is creating an automotive empire.
Li Shufu, who is 54 years old, was born dirt poor in rural China. People in China tell me that he still talks like a country bumpkin, but don’t let that fool you. He’s amassing an automotive empire and could turn out to be the Henry Ford of China.
Li Shufu started Geely in 1986 making refrigerators. Then in 2010 he bought Volvo from Ford and then things really took off. Now he has stakes in Volvo Trucks, and the company that makes London cabs, and in Lotus, and in Proton the Malaysian automaker and in Terrafugia an American company developing passenger drones. Now he just announced he’s the biggest shareholder in Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz.
Who knows where this is all going to end up, but one thing is for sure. Li Shufu is going to be someone who makes it into the automotive history books.
But that wraps up today’s report, thanks for watching Autoline China.
John McElroy is an influential thought leader in the automotive industry. He is a journalist, lecturer, commentator and entrepreneur. He created “Autoline Daily,” the first industry webcast of industry news and analysis.