[autolinedaily show=”DailyChina021418″]
运行: 6:28
– 丰田公司发布新机器人
– 乘坐共享可以减少大多数行驶里程
– 你在错向行驶!
– RINSPEED的乐高式概念
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大家好,我是约翰•麦克罗伊,欢迎收看Autoline 中国,我们的节目将为您呈现汽车领域最重要最前沿的行业新技术。
丰田一直坚信机器人终有一天会变成一个巨大的商业领域。 丰田公司刚刚发布了第三代人形机器人,称为T-HR3。这款机器人配备了操作者所佩戴的控制装置,可以让机器人模仿操作者的动作。它还带有护目镜,可以让用户看到机器人在3D中实时看到的内容。此项目的目标是研究机器人如何与人类互动,使其能在家中、医疗机构、建筑工地,甚至外太空协助人们。
谁知道人们开车错向行驶是这么大一个问题呢?从2004年到2009年,全国交通安全委员会表示,每年约有360人是美国和德国的驾驶员错向行驶的受害者,仅去年一年就有2200个由电台发布错误方向行驶事件。所以ZF想出了一个解决方案。 “错向禁止系统”通过仪表盘上的声音信号,安全带震动和光信号来警告司机。同时方向盘阻力也会增加,以告诉司机他们即将错向行驶。如果这样做仍不起作用,系统会将车辆保持在车道的外边缘,逐渐停车,打开远光灯和危险警示灯,警告其他司机。错误禁止只允许司机倒车或在有空间的情况下行驶出错误车道。ZF为该系统使用了多种技术,例如详细的地图,以及用来可读取交通标志和车道标记的相机。
去年,瑞士公司Rinspeed创造了许多野性的概念,并将其即将投入一辆自动驾驶汽车的想法与Oasis分享。现在,它展现了另一种自动驾驶概念 – 乘车共享。正如你所看到的,电动车可以分成两个部分,即“滑板”和“吊舱”。硬件和软件集成在底盘或“滑板”中,而客舱则是“吊舱”部分。由于技术可能会很快变得过时,Snap可以通过切换到新的滑板来更新。移动到车内,车手可以与可旋转到位的显示器进行互动。中心的两个大屏幕提供路线信息或娱乐节目。Snap甚至还有一个机器人来协助乘客。Rinspeed将在下个月的CES展会和日内瓦车展上展示Snap。这体现了在自动驾驶汽车创造上仍有很多可能性。
牧马人是所有人中最具标志性的吉普车,其根源可以追溯到第二次世界大战。最新的版本是他们制作的最好的版本。他们改变了一切。新的车架,新的车身,新的内饰,新的动力系统,凡是你想得到的一切。其成果就是一个更大,更轻,更舒适的牧马人,在获得更好的燃油经济性的公式,仍然保留了所有惊人的越野能力。这是一个更复杂的吉普车,内部更安静,在高速公路上驾驶更好。基础发动机是3.6升的V6,每加仑20英里。发布后另可选配2升涡轮增压器。它不仅比V6更快,每加仑可能比V6还多几英里,但目前还没有官方的数字。2019年牧马人还将推出3升柴油发动机。有8速自动变速器,6速手动变速器和两种不同的四轮驱动系统可供选择。而Rubicon版本具有惊人的摇滚爬行功能。手动变速箱的爬行比为84.2:1。牧马人售价将从$ 28,000起,但你可以轻松地加载一个重量超过四万磅的负荷。它会在约四个月之后上市销售,这将有助于吉普的销售回升,因为品牌一年比一年低。
Hello, I’m John McElroy, welcome to Autoline China, the show that covers some of the most important new technologies in the automotive industry.
Toyota really believes that robots will turn into a big business someday. It just revealed the third-generation of its humanoid robot, called T-HR3. It features controls that a human operator wears that allows the robot to mimic movements made by the operator. It also comes with goggles that allow the user to see what the robot sees in 3D and real-time. The goal is to research how robots can interact with humans and assist people at home, in medical facilities, construction sites, or even outer space.
General Motors believes it can make a lot of money with ride sharing services, but it all has to do with getting the cost down. Right now the cost for offering rides from Uber or Lyft works out to around 13 to 20 yuan a mile in the US market. That’s kind of a high cost and limits those companies to only 1/10th of 1% of all vehicle miles travelled. But GM says if you get the cost down to about 6.5 Yuan, that opens up the market to 20% of all miles travelled. And if you get it under 6.5 yuan, then ride sharing can compete with 75% of all miles travelled. GM has a plan to get that cost under 6.5 yuan a mile around the year 2025. And it predicts that the market will then be worth hundreds of billions of dollars or 300 times greater than what the ride sharing services earn today.
Who knew that people driving down the wrong side of the road is such a problem? From 2004 to 2009 the National Traffic Safety Board says about 360 people a year were victims of wrong- way drivers in the U.S. and in Germany, last year alone there were 2,200 radio announcements of wrong way incidents. So ZF came up with a solution. The “Wrong-way Inhibit System” warns drivers with an acoustic signal, seatbelt vibration and an optical signal on the dashboard. Steering wheel resistance will also increase to tell the driver they’re about to go the wrong way. If that doesn’t work, the system will keep the car to the outside edge of a lane, gradually bringing it to a stop, turning on the high beams and hazard lights to warn other drivers. Wrong-way Inhibit will only allow the driver to back up or drive out if there’s room. ZF uses multiple technologies for the system, like detailed maps and cameras that read traffic signs and lane markings.
Last year, Rinspeed, a Swiss company that creates a lot of wild-looking concepts, shared its take on an autonomous vehicle with the Oasis. And now its showing off another self-driving concept for ride-sharing called the Snap. As you can see, the electric vehicle can separate into two pieces, the “skateboard” and the “pod.” The hardware and software are integrated into the chassis or “skateboard.” And the cabin is the “pod” portion. Since technology can quickly become outdated, the Snap can be updated by switching to a new skateboard. Moving to the inside, riders can interact with displays that can be swiveled into position. And two large screens in the center provide route info or entertainment to watch. And the Snap even comes with a robot to assist passengers. Rinspeed will display the Snap at CES next month as well as the Geneva auto show. But this shows there’s a lot possibilities when it comes to creating autonomous cars.
The Wrangler is the most iconic Jeep of them all, with roots that go back to the Second World War. And the latest version is the best one they’ve ever made. They changed everything. New frame, new body, new interior, new powertrains, you name it. The result is a bigger, lighter,more comfortable Wrangler that gets better fuel economy but still retains all its amazing off road capabilities. It’s a more sophisticated Jeep that is much quieter inside and drives much better on the highway. The base engine is the 3.6 liter V6 that gets 20 miles to the gallon. An optional 2-liter turbo will be available later after launch. Not only is it faster than the V6, it will probably get a couple of miles per gallon more, but there are no official numbers yet. A 3-liter diesel will be available sometime in 2019. There’s a choice of an 8-speed automatic, a 6-speed manual, and two different all-wheel drive systems. The Rubicon version has amazing rock crawling capabilities. With the manual transmission, it has an 84.2:1 crawl ratio. The base Wrangler starts at just over $28,000, but you can easily load one up over forty grand. It goes on sale in about four months and it’s going to help Jeep get its sales going because the brand has been down all year long.
And with that we wrap up today’s show. Thank you for watching.
John McElroy is an influential thought leader in the automotive industry. He is a journalist, lecturer, commentator and entrepreneur. He created “Autoline Daily,” the first industry webcast of industry news and analysis.