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Listen to “Autoline This Week #2612 – Electric Roads Solve EV Range At No Taxpayer Cost” on Spreaker.
Internet Premiere: 05/18 @ 11:00am ET
Detroit Public TV: 05/29 @ 10:30am ET
Michele Mueller, MDOT
Tim Sylvester, Integrated Roadways
Jeremy McCool, HEVO
John McElroy,
Powered roads, where EVs pick up electric power from the road as they drive, is a dream that goes back decades. But now a convergence of technologies could turn it into reality. Prefabricated road sections with embedded sensors and inductive charging are the game changing technologies. By collecting data that can be monetized and by selling electricity, private industry wants to build these roads—at no cost to taxpayers.
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John McElroy is an influential thought leader in the automotive industry. He is a journalist, lecturer, commentator and entrepreneur. He created “Autoline Daily,” the first industry webcast of industry news and analysis.